Perfect Movies For Cozy Autumnal Nights

There’s something about Autumn that conjures thoughts of thick jumpers, crunchy leaves, hot drinks and curling up in front of the TV. With the change in the weather there’s no better feeling than staying inside and escaping into a great film with a cosy blanket. So I thought it was the perfect time to share with you some of my favourite films that really get me in the Autumnal mood.

500 Days of Summer


Although the film takes place throughout the four seasons, without spoiling the ending, if you’ve seen it you’ll know exactly what makes it perfect for the transition to from Summer to Autumn. Not to mention the soundtrack is perfect at encapsulating the hope and reflection that Autumn brings.

Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone


It could be argued that every Harry Potter film is perfect for Autumn but I think it’s the detailed, extravagant Great Hall scenes in the first film that really emphasise all the beautiful seasonal colours. Plus who doesn’t feel festive when they hear the Harry Potter theme tune?

Dead Poets Society


This is one to spur you on as you start the new school year and leave you wishing every teacher could be as inspiring as Robin Williams. As an English graduate I love this film on a deeply nerdy level and the autumnal setting will leave you wanting nothing more than to make the most of those beautiful Autumn days.

When Harry Met Sally


This is one of the great Rom-Com classics that epitomises the romantic element of Autumn in Harry and Sally’s beautiful walk through Central Park. Although the pinnacle of the film takes place on New Years Eve it’s those autumnal scenes that you remember and who doesn’t love a bit of romance on these cold Autumn nights.

Fantastic Mr. Fox


In true Wes Anderson style this is one of the most beautiful films on the list to watch with its entire spectrum of oranges, reds and yellows creating the perfect Autumnal world to escape into. One of the best adaptations of Roald Dahl’s books it’s a heartwarming tale mixed with adventure and a great one to watch with family and friends.



Another Wes Anderson entry but what can I say, when the man picks an aesthetic he runs with it. Jason Schwartzman plays precocious student Max Fischer and although it’s not a film for everyone’s tastes, it beautifully covers the whole Autumnal season through to Christmas. Plus it has Bill Murray in it, and who doesn’t love a Bill Murray movie!

St Elmo’s Fire


Another one that is very close to my heart as it is about a group of recent college graduates, and is one of the most often forgotten 80’s movie for no good reason. The final scene where they walk off into the night perfectly reminds you that there’s nothing better than wrapping yourself up against the cold, and that no matter what you always have your friends to count on.

Cinema Under The Sky



Little known fact about me is that I am completely and totally obsessed with movies in any shape, way or form. I’m also a complete sucker for anything novelty, so the concept of an outdoor cinema is pretty much a match made in heaven for me.

For my childhood best friend’s 21st birthday present I thought I’d get her something a little different and when I found an outdoor showing of Little Shop of Horrors, the film that first made us best friends I knew it was fate. So under the guise of a mysterious trip to London, I whisked her off to Camden for a night under the stars.

Under a blanket of lights it perfectly set the magical scene of the evening, but before we hunkered down for the night we couldn’t help but have a look at everything else that was on offer.




And of course we couldn’t help but take a few pictures (I mean what’s a best friend if not to act as a part-time photographer)!

The more eagled eye of you might notice that this is my newly purchased jumper courtesy of Wish Wish Wish from the bloggers market, which I have to say is so cosy I’m going to be wearing it all Winter.



Once we’d had our fill of sights we needed something to fill our bellies and as soon as I saw the Honest burgers sign our fate was sealed.




A tucked away literal hole in the wall with the coolest looking group of people you’ve ever seen it has a completely inclusive atmosphere where you can pull up a seat and enjoy the atmosphere and food (that is if you can find one).



While Olivia went for the plain beef I went for the eponymous Honest, a mouth-watering combination of beef, bacon, mature cheddar, onion relish and pickled cucumber. I can tell you honest-ly (sorry had to be done) it is on the top 3 burgers of my life list, which considering how many burgers I eat is a pretty great honour. Not to mention the rosemary fries, which I must say I was slightly dubious about, but turned out to be one of the best chip combinations ever, made even better by the fact we got a massive sack of them each.



With our feast in tow we hired some blankets and snuggled down on our deckchairs to relive our childhood.The atmosphere and setting was so perfect I will definitely be heading back soon and with showings until the 4th of everything from Grease to Amy I can’t recommend enough that you swing by (and grab a burger while your there)!
