Breakfast with Besties

Every so often life brings a gift in the form of a bank holiday, and when you get that opportunity you have to grab it with both hands and run with it. With University, work and all life’s other chores it’s sometimes hard to find time to meet up and catch up with friends, so on Monday when one of my besties suggested a quick breakfast at Harlem cafe before a day of shopping I couldn’t say no!


The best way to start a breakfast feast, a fresh, warm raspberry and white chocolate scone with some fresh juice.


And of course some coffee!


I went for one of my all time favourite breakfasts, smoked salmon and scrambled eggs while Christina got poached eggs in a soda bap, a proper Irish breakfast choice.DSC02404  DSC02409 DSC02411 We both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves as you can see!


One of the best parts of Harlem cafe is that it is a mix of both pinterest, an art gallery, a vintage store and a museum. It’s one the coolest places in Belfast and one of my favourites as there’s something new to discover everytime you go.DSC02416 DSC02418 DSC02421 DSC02423


Definitely the prettiest toilets I’ve ever seen.DSC02432

If you’re in Belfast I really recommend swinging by this place as it’s an amazing place to visit, the food is amazing quality as well as the service, and it’s definitely one of the most reasonable priced places in the city as well. It’s equally perfect for afternoon tea and is open for dinner on Friday or Saturday so whatever mood you’re in I cannot recommend it enough and it’s the perfect place to catch up with your friends. How did you guys spend your bank holiday?

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